Banking on AI: How AI is changing banking by reducing fraud
FinTechs are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help banks combat fraud, improve efficiency and productivity like never before. This is an area where fintechs are really proving their ROI to banks.
In partnership with In AI Today, FinTech Labs are producing a series of events in 2025 showcasing how AI is changing finance. The first event features award winning fintech, Fortiro, and their services helping banks with fraud detection.
Fortiro use AI to check every document for fraud, automatically, and in real time. This reduces fraud losses by better detecting fraudulent applications. Fortiro also reduces application processing time by reducing the time it takes to verify income documents from hours or days down to seconds.
Date: Thursday 20th February 2025 (arrive 5.30-6.00pm)
Venue: Tank Stream Labs, The Stage, Level 6, 11 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000
REGISTER HERE: https://www.meetup.com/fintech-sydney/events/305963323/
Topic: Banking on Ai
How are banks and fintechs using Ai?
What are the opportunities, challenges?
What is the business model?
How are Fortiro partnering with banks to improve compliance and boost efficiency and productivity?
Sean Quagliani – Co-Founder and CEO, Fortiro
Amir Vahid – Co-Founder and CTO, Fortiro
Organiser / Producer: Glen Frost – email: [email protected]
UPDATE / other events:
10th Annual FinTech & Banking Awards 2025 will be in July this year: https://fintechawards.net/
Plus, one day FinTech & Banking Summit will be in October in Sydney: https://fintechsummit.com.au/
Podcast: The FinTech Report Podcast: https://fintechsummit.com.au/the-fintech-report-podcast/