Eagle Eye and computer vision vendor Neophyte.ai partner for real-time marketing solution
Eagle Eye, the leading SaaS business that executes loyalty, personalised promotions and omnichannel marketing solutions for retail, travel, and hospitality brands, today announced a partnership with computer vision vendor Neophyte.ai.
Neophyte is an Indian AIaaS (AI as a Service) company that provides use-case-led Vision AI solutions for omnichannel retailers.
The partnership will leverage Neophyte’s product called ‘Sentinel’, which can track the profile and behaviour of consumers in a retail outlet by leveraging real-time visual intelligence. By combining this capability with Eagle Eye’s real-time personalised marketing solutions, the AI-enabled technology can deliver real-time engagement that directly leverages a customer’s context and potential purchase intent.
Example of a contextual use case
Imagine a customer, ‘Raj’, enters a grocery store where he is a loyalty member. Thanks to Eagle Eye’s AIR Wallet, the retailer knows that Raj is a frugal vegetarian. As it happens, the store has excess stock of some strawberries and mushrooms that are approaching their sell-by date.
With Neophyte and Eagle Eye’s solutions working in unison, Raj can be sent one or more alerts via the loyalty program app on his phone. For instance, if Neophyte’s AI-enabled visual intelligence solution notes Raj is in the vegetable aisle, Eagle Eye’s real-time solutions can send him a message saying he’ll earn bonus points if he buys a pack of mushrooms.
Likewise, as he approaches the fruit section, Raj could be told that he’s entitled to a 50% discount on strawberries.
Jonathan Reeve, Vice President APAC at Eagle Eye, said he was excited by the possibilities opened up by combining Neophyte’s visual intelligence with Eagle Eye-enabled, real-time offers.
“Whether it’s our tools or Neophyte’s, with the amount of data it’s now possible to harvest and analyse – in real time – about consumers is incredible,” Reeve said.
“The retailers that use our solutions already have masses of data about what any individual loyalty program member is interested in before they enter a shop. Now, retailers can combine our solutions with the one provided by Neophyte to get even more granular insight into what somebody walks into a particular store, on a particular day, at a particular hour, is inclined to purchase.”
Anurag Sahoo, Co-Founder and CEO of Neophyte, is equally positive about the collaboration.
“Neophyte’s strategic partnerships and close technology integrations with complementary SaaS platforms like Eagle Eye help us to truly make each customer’s in-store journey personally tailored for them,” Sahoo said